Mary Sorenson


I worked for Hyndman Insurance, a Farmers Agency, for eight years. During that time, I started enrolling clients in Individual and Medicare plans while still assisting our Farmers clients with their home and auto policies. As the list of health insurance carriers, I worked with grew, I had to leave Farmers in 2019 and start my own agency.

Health insurance can be so confusing. My focus is to educate my English and Spanish speaking clients - helping them understand their policies and the various terms used. My passion is fueled by my personal experience and not wanting it to happen to anyone else.

Prior to the Affordable Care Act, my late husband had a back surgery that did not go well. After multiple follow up surgeries, he was left disabled. At the time, all carriers had a maximum limit of what they would pay on Individual claims. We quickly reached that limit as my husband's final hospital stay included five days in ICU. We sold our rental, depleted our savings, then lost our home, and so much more, just trying to keep up with the mounting medical bills, on top of everyday expenses.

The good news is that today, ALL plans have a set "out-of-pocket maximum" for the consumer, (NOT the carrier), providing a safety net for families. It's a great time to have health insurance!


For Individual Plans call: (208) 287-3012
For Medicare Plans call: (208) 213-8376 *

Hablo Español

* Recorded line as required by 2023 CMS Final Rule

Contact Angie at 208-378-5890

Boise, ID 83704

Office (208) 378-5890
Cell (208) 484-4936



We do not offer every plan in your area. Currently, we represent 16 organizations, which offer 67 products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-Medicare, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all your options. 

AJ Benefit Solutions LLC is owned and operated by Angie Jackson Insurance Advisor
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